Meetings & Agendas
Meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Clovis Municipal Airport Terminal Building.
December 12, 2023 Civil Aviation Board AgendaOctober 3, 2023 Civil Aviation Board AgendaJuly 18, 2023 Civil Aviation Board AgendaMarch 2, 2022 Civil Aviation Board AgendaJanuary 4, 2022 Civil Aviation Board Agenda2021 Civil Aviation Board Agendas & Minutes Purpose
To advise the city commission regarding the development of the Clovis Regional Airport.
The Civil Aviation Board membership shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Commission. The term of appointment is for three years. Members missing three consecutive meetings, or who have been absent from more than fifty percent of the meetings held during a twelve month period of time, may be removed by the Mayor and Commission.
Duties & Responsibilities
The Civil Aviation Board shall, from time to time, make such general studies of airport construction and facilities as may be useful in keeping the airport efficient and adequate to the needs of the city and the air transportation industry; it shall make recommendations to the city commission in respect to expansions, improvements, facilities and policies governing the operation of the airport. It shall, acting in an advisory capacity, work toward the general improvement of the airport, and shall act in an advisory capacity on budget matters to the city commission regarding the airport.
Civil Aviation Board – Appeal Procedure
Any person adversely affected by any decision of the board may appeal the decision of the board to the city commission. Hearing of the appeal shall be given not less than five nor more than twenty days after notice of appeal, in writing, has been given to the chairman of the Civil Aviation Board and to the city clerk. Following a hearing, the decision of the board may be reversed, modified or affirmed by a vote of a majority of the full city commission.
Board Members
Contact: Chris Marshall (575) 769-7890, cmarshall@cityofclovis.org
Michael Morris
Lonnie Leslie
Vice Chairman
Alejandro Mora
Jamie C. Martinez
Stephen Verdile